HELLO FROM EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN - merchants slogan: "We don't have it but we can get it for you."

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Is That What You Are Going To Wear?

I have decided, after much research, that the most often asked question posed to a husband by a wife is the one asked as the male emerges from dressing to go out to dinner. That question is, of course: "Is that what you're going to wear?"

The success of this rest of the evening then hinges on the husband's reply to the question. Truthfully, I cannot think of an answer that won't be considered sarcastic by said mate.

When I am asked that question, which is quite frequenty, there are many answers that fight to the forefront of the brain, but are quickly dismisssed to save the evening out from going into a disastrous downspin. among them:
"No, I am not actually going to wear this, I donned it looking to upset you so that we could spend the rest of the evening staring at each other in silence over dinner."
"Actually I was going to wear one of your dresses, but my personal favorite is at the cleaners."
"No, this is not what I am going to wear but I have no idea why I am not going to wear it. Care to help me grasp an understandng?"
"Only if that is what you are going to wear."


"Actually I had contemplated going nude, but the weather man says we are expecting snow."

Let's face it. There is no answer to the question that will let you maintain a shred of human dignity!


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