HELLO FROM EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN - merchants slogan: "We don't have it but we can get it for you."

Friday, March 28, 2008

How Larry Feels At The Door of H&R Block

Again, a picture can say it better than ten paragraphs! This is how I feel at my tax appointment!

Because I carry Catholic guilt, even though I am actually running this "business" in the red, I feel like a swine as I at least have a roof over my head and most of the time can make my payments on time and have begun to gain weight again.

So OINK OINK OINKITY OINK OINK -- Ah'm talkin' to yew, Bro Matthew.

Mr. Capell, give me little drink of that wine
Mr. Capell, give me little drink of that wine
If I had yo money, I'd stay drunk alla de time

I so look a lot like Mr. Pig, but my ears are bigger!


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