HELLO FROM EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN - merchants slogan: "We don't have it but we can get it for you."

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I took these photos of Hammy last night while we were up in the loft. He suddenly focused in on a very tiny insect that was circling the light bulbs in the lamp. One of the personality traits that we find so endearing about him is his "child" - even though he is fully grown, he maintains his curiosity that he has had all along.
Then this morning (sunday) Kim found him throwing up his breakfast. Throughout the morning his demeanor deteriorated and by noon Kim called the one veterianarian service that carries a doctor on call on sundays and we rushed him right in.

You don't really realize how deeply fond of you are of your pets until something like this happens. The veterinarian checked his pulse which was extremely rapid, and he was running a temperature of 106 degrees - much too high. He ran some blood tests and ultimately concluded after checking also for leukemia that Hammy has a bacterial infection.

The vet gave him two injections; a cortisone shot and a shot to combat the infection. Now it is a matter of seeing how Hammy responds to the meds. If he continues to vomit we will have to take him back to the vet for an interveinous feed to keep him from becoming dehydrated.

Currently he has gone down to the basement and is hiding in one of his secret places which is making me a bit nervous. that combined with the start of the Packer game has me really jumpy!!!


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