Two days since the "split fest"!
My legs are much better this morning than they were all day yesterday. Last night I took serious steps to try and evaluate and eliminate the phlegmnasicious (if my friend and novelist Tom Johnson can publish the word "permitlessness" I can invent the word "phlegmnascious") gatherings in the back of my throat. I did some research on the internet knowing full well that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing and I descended upon Wallygrainous (Spanish for Walgreens) where I purchased a "nasal sinus rinse".
Here's how it works: you warm 8 ounces of distilled water, funnel it into the provided plastic squeeze bottle, add a packet of carefully prepared salts and bicarbonate of soda (provided) let it dissolve, then lean over the bath room sink and squeeze four ounces of the liquid into your left nostril, all the while gently saying" "kha kha" and observing the resulting liquid exiting the right nostril. You then reverse the process with the right nostril.
I know it sounds somewhat like water boarding but the result is indeed soothing to the sinus cavity. I also was advised to try taking benadryl at bed time to dry the mucous membrane. This I did as well.
For three days I complained of water in my left ear - again I consulted the internet and found a wondrous cure that should be shared with all: With the help of a friend, lie on your side, afflicted ear up and then have your help mate take a cotton swab inundated with rubbing alcohol, squeeze one or two drops of the alcohol into the ear canal. When you sit up, you hear a popping sound and the water is cleared through evaporation! I would imagine this could be accomplished solo but what's the fun in that?
Today, Conservative Tea Party activists plan to burn in effigy Members of Congress including Rep. Tom Periello and Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Tell the GOP leadership to tell the Tea Party protesters to stop the hatred and prevent these despicable displays from taking place.
Sign the Petition:
There recently was an article in the St. Petersburg Fl. Times. The Business Section asked readers for ideas on: "How Would You Fix the Economy?"
I think this guy nailed it!
Mr. President,
Please find below my suggestion for fixing America 's economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the "Patriotic Retirement Plan":
There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:
1) They MUST retire. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
2) They MUST buy a new American CAR. Forty million cars ordered – Auto Industry fixed.
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage – Housing Crisis fixed.
It can't get any easier than that!!
P.S. If more money is needed, have all members in Congress pay their taxes...
Mr. President, while you're at it, make Congress retire on Social Security and Medicare. I'll bet both programs would be fixed pronto!
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