Friday, May 11, 2007
Signal Lights: What a Concept!
Current mood: amused
Category: stunned Life
Is it just a phenomenon characteristic of western Wisconsin? Drivers around here do NOT signal their intention to turn, or if they do, they flip the signal lever just as they begin to make the turn. I guess the overall sentiment is: "I know where I am going, but why the hell should I tell you?"
I was at a dealership the other day when a gentleman walked up to the crew chief and told him that he had a signal light that had burned out and needed a replacement. The chief replied: "you're not from around here are you."
He wasn't.
I liken those who don't signal to baseball . Have you ever seen a ball game where there's a runner on second and the next batter hits a hard grounder back to the pitcher? The pitcher "looks" the runner back to second base, holding him there, before he throws the runner out at first.
If you are at a stop sign and there is a car approaching with the right of way,and he doesn't signal in advance, he's basically doing the same thing as the pitcher; he's holding you on base until he makes his move to turn right in front of you.
Irritating as hell, isn't it?
It makes me use foul language and SIGNAL him with rude gestures! BUT, as John Cougar Menstralcramp says: "Ain't that America?"
Tomorrow let's talk about rude cell phone use.
Currently listening :
The Joe Locke / Geoffrey Keezer Group - Live In Seattle
By Joe Locke
Release date: By 25 July, 2006
4:57 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Look Out, Wausau! Here I Come!
Current mood: peaceful
Category: Blogging
My thanks to any and all the radio sations out there who are giving "The wood Tick Song" a spin now that it is Spring and the little buggers are out in force. A very special thank you to Mr. Jay Moore, the morning deejay at 106.7 FM, Eau Claire, who was the first to take a chance on me!
So far, I have managed to corral and flush down the toilet four ticks before they could do the vampire thing.
The first Summer that the song was out on the market, I was at The Joynt on Water Street in Eau Claire and the discussion turned to the song. It seems everybody has a tick story. My favorite that night was told by a guy's wife who said her husband had a tick affixed to his penis for over four days before he discovered it was there!
She said:"His penis began to swell up .. and not in a GOOD way!!"
Someone sent me a url that makes reference to my song: and I also received another e mail with a url about vasectomies where all the lyrics to my tune are recited. That url is:
I still get a chuckle when I think back to the night that, just after writing The Vasectomy Song, I sang it to my mom, Alice Wetzel Heagle. When I finished singing it, she said: "It's such a nice song, I just wish it was about something else."
If you live in the Wausau, Wisconsin, area, tomorrow night I will be performing, amongst others, those two songs at the Coral Bowling Lanes in Schofield, just down the street from my favorite pizza joint, Sam's Pizza.
Currently reading :
Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War
By T.J. Stiles
Release date: By 17 September, 2002
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
I'm a Comedian, but In My Spare Time, I Think!
Current mood: angry
Category: fed up with Bushies News and Politics
Watched Bill Mahrer's Real Time again last night with his guests Harold Ford, Jr., Sean Penn, and Gary Shandling who said a line I can really identify with: "I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, I think about things and I get really upset." (or something to that effect).
It was a great show and Sean Penn got the biggest applause of the night when he said that Bush, Cheney, Condoleeza, and George Tenet should "all be in fucking jail". Later he apologized because he had left out Donald Rumsfeldt.
His point was that these people are responsible for not only the thousands of deaths of young Americans but also the even larger amount of Iraqis.
What is really frightening to me is that we are all so quiet about it; so accepting of such bullshit!
It's time that the younger generations of Americans, whose future is at stake, start getting involved in righting the sinking ship of state. I write and call my duly elected officials all the time. And so should we all!
There! I have said my piece!
Currently listening :
If I Could Only Fly
By Merle Haggard
Release date: By 10 October, 2000
1:15 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
To Everything, turn, turn, turn
Current mood: tired
Category: but content Blogging
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Don't know how the weather is at your house, but DAMN ! it is so SPRINGY here today. I have the screen door working here at the office and am listening to the cardinals and the rose breasted grosbeaks sing their hearts out. I live at the junction of I-94 and State Highway 53 and consequently, you have to become used to the "white noise" of semi-truck traffice humming by on 94, but one gets used to it until it is almost soothing. If not, I can always crank up Ry Cooder's "Paradise and Lunch", as the man really moves me!
My eyes are telling me that it is allergy season and I need to get some eye drops. Itchy! Itchy! Itchy!
Not much going on today. I did a lot of napping, catching up with lost sleep of earlier in the week, what with working a gig in Wausau and driving back in a pelting rain. (but doesn't the ionization smell sweet??)
My problem is that I get home late from work all wound up and I start watching a movie on HBO. Don't get to sleep until 4AM, then have to be here in the office by 7AM to do a live radio interview. (I love it, though!)
Currently listening :
Paradise and Lunch
By Ry Cooder
Release date: By 25 October, 1990
5:19 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Monday, May 07, 2007
Blog Mania!
Current mood: energetic
Category: anticipatory Blogging
On the advice of my manager, I went to set up a blog at and when the site came up, I found out that I had set up a blogspot there back in March under the handle of "travelins". How soon one forgets stuff when one is a "Senior"!!!!
I had set that blogspot up primarily to talk about my adventures in collecting Harmony guitars, and I am going to use it strictly for that purpose from now on, as I have THIS particular blog here on myspace, and when my regular web site at is up later this week, you will find my most comprehensive blog there, including my oddly-skewed life perspective.
I am up pretty early today (for a guy who works as a comic/entertainer). Probably because I am pretty excited about going back to "work" tonight entertaining a Tavern League Convention. Ah! My kind of folk!
Currently listening :
Heaven and Earth
By Perla Batalla
Release date: By 01 October, 2000
9:56 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Sunday, May 06, 2007
RE-vamped Website Debuting Next Week
Current mood: ecstatic
Thanks for dropping in! I am pretty excited about the re-vamping of because it will have a lot of new features that the old one didn't, including a video interpretation of "The Wood Tick Song", filmed by my good friend and very talented videographer, Jim Zons of EZ New Media. (When you get a chance, you should check him out on the web!)
We had a lot of fun doing it and the weather was almost exactly the same for the two days of shooting. My good friend Wil Denson directed it and supplied ideas and moral support. The voluptuous woman in the video is Kim Wilson (in the flesh); I tried to talk her into showing more of it, but hey, she's a kindergarten teacher and has a reputation to uphold.
While I am giving out kudos, I want to say thank you to Liz Fischer, my marketeer and personal manager who handles all my bookings and does a hell of a job promoting me. She is incredibly inventive and creative in her approach and sets her goals very high. you can find her on the web at Profitable Sales and Marketing. she is a published writer on her trade.
My final kudo for now goes to Mr. Gordon Bischoff, luthier extraordinare, who in addition to keeping my guitars in tip top shape (I own one of his wonderful guitars), builds amazing works of art in mahagony, rosewood, spruce, and other exotic woods. One of his most recent innovations is a by request 9 string baritone guitar (half six string, half 12 string) built with brazilian rosewood back and sides, and a master grade sitka spruce top, for nationally known recording artist Willy Porter. It is an amazing instrument and you can view it on Gordy's website:
Currently listening :
The Revolution Starts...Now
By Steve Earle
Release date: By 24 August, 2004
11:40 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Saturday, May 05, 2007
The Harmony Guitar Forum Brotherhood
Current mood: hopeful
Category: glad to be alive! Friends
I just want to take a minute to say thank you to Bill Garrison and all the guys and gals at The Harmony Forum. If you don't know about this site, and you are a guitar "nut" like I am, it is a great source of kinship and a place to go if you (as I am) a collector of Harmony guitars.
Through them, I have located hard to find guitars and parts, and am treated like a brother. there is no mean-spirited participants and all members share a common passion.
Currently watching :
Band of Brothers
Release date: By 05 November, 2002
2:42 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Friday, May 04, 2007
Check Out My Regular web Site
Current mood: cheerful
Hi! I joined "My Space" basically to let everyone know that my regular web site at is presently getting a great new facelift and should be up by May 12th at the latest. At my web site you will find everything you need to know about me and probably more than you really want to know!
Currently reading :
A Blood-Dimmed Tide: The Battle of the Bulge by the Men Who Fought It (Dell World War II Library)
By Gerald Astor
Release date: By 03 December, 1993
9:40 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
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