It happened again this morning in Eau Claire traffic. I am behind some "sorry-about-your-penis" monster pick up truck in the left turn lane, waiting for that green arrow. the arrow turns green and Mr. Macho sits there for a good three count -- it's then I realize he's on the frickin' cell phone.
I give him the horn which puts him in gear, but turning like an eighty year old granny. He finally gets it straightened out and I step on it and pass him on the right. I have to admit, I lost my cool. So much so that I flipped him the bird as I pulled in front of him -- not that he would notice from AT&T land. And flipping the bird really is not something I do very often. You really have to hit a nerve to get that response out of me.
Gotta find a "Hang Up And Drive!" bumper sticker. Only I want one that I can put on my front bumper and written backwards so that it reads correctly through a rear view mirror.
I picked up another set of brackets and had another glass shelf made for the Packer shrine, as it is in need of expansion. Soon my Ahman Green figurine will have Reggie White and Ray Nitschke for company on that second shelf. The figures are made by McFarlane and are really detailed as you can see from the included illustrations.
God, I am enjoying my second childhood!
My ex-wife would tell you I never got out of my first. Her mother had a favorite saying: "They don't get older, they just get bigger."
Stopped at Festival Foods to make a final pick up of NFL game time needs -- Leinenkugel regular and the raw makings for a "Blinky" pizza for my pal Tom "Blinky" Johnson who is wending his way up from Madison with his older brother Stan (the former artist known as "Dr. Nightlife") .
The "Blinky" is so named because Tom invented it, and I perfected it. It is a hot Italian sausage pizza with one other condiment -- thinly sliced jalepeno stuffed green olives aplenty.
I also have a Pope Pius IX Pizza (which I haven't made much since rules were changed about meat on Fridays.) It was made with a layer of canned tuna and sliced green oives. I know -- it doesn't sound very appetizing, but it really is rather good!
Changing topics all together, I have had nothing but trouble with the DirecTV system I had installed several months ago. Last week the picture would break up into little digital squares, or freeze then disappear momentarily, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada.
So I took a morning and tracked incidences on different channels, describing symptoms, times, etc., and this morning, the TV guy finally shows up after leaving me hanging for three days of saying "I'll be there today" and what happens??
Not a damn thing!
The system runs smoothly. Really pisses me off!! It's that same thing that happens when you have an electrical problem with your car. As soon as it gets on the mechanic's floor, it starts behaving. What's with that????
I am consumed with tonight's football game. Let me say one more thing about it: Let's see if I am psychic.
You read it here first folks!
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