The late night hours of March 9, 2011 will go down in Wisconsin history as "The Ash Wednesday Massacre." But as with the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Koch Brothers and their minions, the state republicans, "have awakened a sleeping giant". Here is what Senator Jauch, one of the courageous "Wisconsin 14" had to say this morning:
It is a dark moment in Wisconsin history. Senate Republican swift and possibly illegal action to end collective bargaining was political thuggery in its worst form. The moment will be recorded as the time the lights went out on democracy in Wisconsin.
The manner in which they so quickly rammed the bill through without explanation was more like a political coup that you would see in a third world country than in the Wisconsin statehouse long revered throughout our great state. They brought shame upon the institution and exposed the Governor and Republican lawmakers as frauds.
The dramatic parliamentary maneuver to strip collective bargaining from the fiscal bill shows that the debate was never about fiscal responsibility, but was always about eliminating bargaining rights for workers. In their desperate attempt to attack unions they lied to the citizens of Wisconsin.
As one who had been actively working to achieve a compromise to protect collective bargaining I am appalled by the shameful conduct of the Governor and Republican lawmakers who showed contempt for the citizens of Wisconsin. Republicans turned a deaf ear to the hundreds of thousands of citizens who passionately believed that their voice would be heard.
Predictably, the Senate Republicans will try to blame someone else for their reprehensible behavior. They may have had the votes to exercise this abuse of power, but they have lost in the eyes of public opinion.
Everyone watching this mockery of democracy is appalled by the Republican behavior that once again stifled the voice of the Assembly Democratic leader in their rush to end worker rights.
Following the vote several Republican lawmakers were seen exchanging high fives and cheering as though they had scored a touchdown. Their gleeful celebration demonstrates a cynical disregard for their duty to serve the people instead of radical ideology.
Their action doesn’t end the debate, it intensifies it. The Republicans may think they have stifled workers rights, but they can’t silence the hundreds of thousands of voices who begin today to restore those rights.
I was going to attempt to put my feelings about these events into a blog today until I received a forwarded e mail written by one of the Chippewa Valley's own, Mr, John Rasmussen. He said it much better than I ever could:
Wisconsin lost something real important yesterday.
Wisconsin was sold out in the name of GREED.
The people of this State are much poorer today.
The state government no longer represents the people.
The state government is representing the wishes of a group of wealthy rich folks who are hiding in the shadows and pulling the strings and controlling the working folks of this state.
I used to be a radical when i was young, then i got dumber, now i am a radical again.
Who says Folks can't change? I did yesterday.
I dare you to tell me this budget will grow jobs in this State.
I dare you to tell me that defunding the schools and universities will help the people of Wisconsin.
I dare you to tell me that defunding Medicaid and other medical assistance will help folks be healthier.
I dare you to tell me that deregulating or eliminating air, water, and environmental regulation in the State will help the people of this State
I dare you to tell me that selling of our public infrastructure to corporations will make the State better.
I don't think it would be a good idea for Scott Walker or his crooked keepers to stop by my house today for a chat as i am all done chatting.
Reasonableness only resonates within a group of folks who listen.
I am all done listening to their lies.
I also am more than a little bit unreasonable today.
So what now? Republican Senator Grothman, who was chased around the capitol building today by upwards of 200 people, locked out by capitol police, repeated the same disdainful rhetoric he used last week on the Rachel Maddow show:
For his part, Grothman says the whole thing didn't faze him. When it comes to the protesters, he says, "their bark is worse than their bite." And that extends beyond what happened to him, he said, predicting that soon the protests will fizzle. "I love Madison," he says. "I went to school here. I love the Sushi restaurants, but people in Madison think differently. Back home, people are not on their side."
Of the protesters, Grpthman said: "They're loud, they'll give you the finger, and they yell at you, but I really think deep down inside they're just mostly college kids having fun, just like they're having fun sleeping with their girfriends on air mattresses. That's the guts of that crowd."
This guy is definitely delusional. Take a close look at the picture. Do the people surrounding him all look like students having fun?
Here's an e mail I received from One Wisconsin Now just today. You tell me if this sounds like "fizzling"!
Dear Larry:
With the possibly-illegal actions in the last 12 hours by Republicans in the Assembly and Senate, there is a massive mobilization at the state capitol in Madison this Saturday.
Everyone who opposes Gov. Walker and the Senate and Assembly Republicans’ massive attack on our way of life in Wisconsin needs to come to Madison on Saturday and be a part of history -- the largest public demonstration Wisconsin has ever seen!
AFSCME Wisconsin has a list of buses that will be running to Madison from communities all over the state. Check out the schedule at
Saturday’s protest at the Capitol in Madison promises to be the largest demonstration yet against Governor Walker and the Republican’s assault on Wisconsin’s middle class. The One Wisconsin Now team will be there. Firefighters and police officers will be there. Teachers and their students will be there. Farmers and their families will be there. College students, single moms, retirees and working families will be there.
Will you?
There are activities planned throughout the day, starting with the Farmer Labor Tractorcade running from 10am to noon, followed by the statewide rally to begin at 2pm.
If you can, please make it to Madison this Saturday and join in our massive demonstration against Governor Walker and the Republican’s attacks on Wisconsin’s middle class.
Thanks for all you do,
P.S.--We are so honored and thankful that so many of you have stepped up to support our efforts in organizing the fight against these attacks on Wisconsin's working families. If you haven't yet ordered your 'Fighting for Wisconsin' button, now's the time to get one before they're gone -- you can get one with a $20 contribution today at
One Wisconsin Now is a new-media online network of citizens from across Wisconsin committed to advancing progressive policy, leadership, values and ensuring equal economic opportunity for all.
If at all possible, get to Madison Saturday!
This battle is just beginning!
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