HELLO FROM EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN - merchants slogan: "We don't have it but we can get it for you."

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


This morning I came across this from blogger BlondmamaFollow:

Before 2010 I was a frequent Target shopper. I was proud that my city, Minneapolis MN, had a World wide corporation that had it's home in Minneapolis on the Nicollet Mall! I was also glad that it was owned by The Dayton Family, one of the most iconic families in Minneapolis. I used to brag it up on Camfrog, a video chatline I often visited. But this all unraveled in January 2010 when The Supreme Court decided corporations would be treated like people and allowed to help finance political campaigns with unlimited funding. So the sky was the limit and there would be no watch dog to monitor how much was given to whom! The only two Journalists who talked about it and how it could be a problem for political equity were Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow both of MSNBC at the time. I was concerned at the time but unknowingly kept shopping at Target.

Then a report came out that a new political organization was being formed in Minnesota called, MN Forward. It's press release stated that it was formed to promote Private Sector Job Growth and facilitate economic opportunity in Minnesota. It sounded great like most organizations that help the unemployed get jobs but it was a facade to fool the general population and the media! The local media dug deep to get to the truth and found out that it was secretly procuring funds from corporations for The Republican Party to help fund it's political campaigns. The largest recipient of funding from MN Forward was the Republican Gubernatorial Candidate, Tom Emmer! But the biggest shocker was that the largest financial contributors to MN Forward were The Target Corp. and Best Buy!

I thought this is nuts! The Democratic Gubernatorial candidate was Mark Dayton! Why would his family turn against him? I found out that Target had been sold by the Dayton family to another retail corp. But that still didn't make any sense because most of Target's customers are low income people. There are some that are middle class too but their primary customers are the poor ! This was like a double whammy! They are helping the political party that has always shafted the poor! This is very hypocritical of Target! All the glitzy ads saying they donate to the community is a big BS!

I made a pledge then to NEVER SHOP AT TARGET AGAIN! The only way I would is if they were apologetic and said they were sorry for their major faux pax and promised they would stay out of politics! I haven't heard that yet so I have switched to Walmart! I was sad to see the First Lady, Michelle Obama< shopping at Target! Bad move Michelle! The newly remodeled Walmart Supercenters are just as attractive as Target!

There are many alternatives to Target for you to shop. I have already mentioned Walmart,you could also join their other store, Sam's Club. Both of my twin daughters belong to Sam Club. They sell lower cost electronics, clothing, and some furniture! You have to buy in bulk food and cleaning products but if you have a big family it saves you money. If you want to save money on food shop at Aldi's! It's their brand but it's comparable to the brand name products, in fact their canned chili is much better then Hormel Chili! There are other stores too where to shop, the venerable Kmart, Big Lots, and Family Dollar, They all sell groceries too! The best dollar store is Dollar Tree because it is a genuine dollar store and they have good merchandise!

So, who needs Target? Not us LOYAL DEMOCRATS! We are not stupid enough to finance the Republican candidates indirectly! THAT'S WHAT YOU DO IF YOU SHOP AT TARGET!!!

Then I found the following in an e mail from Robert Kraig, executive director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin:

As we celebrate Thanksgiving with our friends and families, it is worth reflecting that by next Thanksgiving 65,000 Wisconsinites, including 29,000 children could be forced off BadgerCare, and tens of thousands more could be forced to pay up to 10 times more for coverage.

If Scott Walker is still Governor a year from now tens of thousands of Wisconsin families, struggling to work their way into the middle class, may have to choose between health care coverage and basic necessities.

Together we have the power to prevent this heart breaking scenario. BadgerCare could be Scott Walker’s undoing! BadgerCare is so immensely popular among all types of voters that it could be an even bigger issue in the recall elections than the attack on workers rights.

That is why I am asking you to make a special Thanksgiving gift to Citizen Action of Wisconsin to make cuts to BadgerCare a winning issue in the recall election of Scott Walker. Can you please give $65 or $29. That’s $1 for every thousand people that will be forced off BadgerCare, or $1 for every thousand children that will be forced off BadgerCare if Walker gets his way.

As I have written in columns for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Capital Times, and many other newspapers across Wisconsin, Walker’s savage attack on the health security of Wisconsinites already reeling from the worst jobs crisis since the Great Depression is happening because Scott Walker thought it was more important to give large new tax breaks to large corporations and the wealthy.

Citizen Action of Wisconsin is working tirelessly to get the word out. We are the only Wisconsin organization deeply involved in the health care issue with capacity and credibility to make BadgerCare a major issue in the recall elections.

You can help give us the resources to educate voters about Walker’s attack on BadgerCare by giving a special Thanksgiving gift of $65 (that is $1 for every 1,000 people Walker wants to force off BadgerCare) or $29 ($1 for every child that will be forced off BadgerCare).

Unbelievably, Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch recently launched an ad which claims that the expense of running recall elections will take money away from health care for the poor. This is stunning, given that she is part of an administration that is seeking to force 36,000 adults and 29,000 children off BadgerCare.

The most certain way to prevent crippling cuts to BadgerCare is for Scott Walker and Rebecca Kleefisch to be voted out of office.

You can help give us the resources to educate voters about Walker’s attack on BadgerCare by giving a special Thanksgiving contribution of $65 (that is $1 for every 1,000 people Walker wants to force off BadgerCare) or $29 ($1 for every child that will be forced off BadgerCare.

Thank you in advance for your strong support!

Happy Thanksgiving from the entire Citizen Action of Wisconsin team.

Robert Kraig
Executive Director

P.S. If you wish your contribution to be tax-deductible you can support the non-partisan issue work of our charitable arm, Citizen Action of Wisconsin Education Fund. (click here, CAWEF donation page)

So next time some buffoon wants to know why you are soliciting signatures for our beloved governor's removal, tell said buffoon about what Mr. Mange Walker intends to do with the cutting of BadgerCare!


1 comment:

amhe23 said...

This was very confusing to me. You do know who owns Walmart, right? Do you really think for one second that that family votes and supports the Democratic Party? That certainly wouldn't be in their best interest. Walmart is one of THE Worst companies on this earth. Educate yourself about this. Then you can star shopping in a truly responsible way - locally. Btw, I also don't agree that "poor" people shop at Target. No. Poor people shop at Walmart. "Price conscious" people shop at Target. There is a huge difference. Try walking into a Target after having been in a Walmart. Huge difference. Huge.