HELLO FROM EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN - merchants slogan: "We don't have it but we can get it for you."

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Harmony Guitars American Tradition

The first real guitar I ever owned was back in 1960 just out of the army and clasping a big old Harmony Sovereign to my breast, working on those G-C-and D chords. It was a great guitar that suffered an ignominious death in a bar gig when it was knocked over by a drunk. It split wide open. I guess if I knew then what I know now, I would have saved it until I met someone who really knew how to fix guitars!

Then last week, I suddenly had a vision of a Harmony Sovereign in my head (only this one was a 12 string). so I went surfing the web and damned if I didn't locate one in upstate New York for $295 (marked down from $495). I called and found out that it would need a serious neck set and that cosmetically it is not the Princess.

It arrived yesterday and even in the shape it is in, it projects! Fills the room with that jingly-jangly chime! I immediately took it to my luthier, an authorized Martin repairman, and can hardly wait to get it back! All I can say is God bless all the fine American workers who built these humble yet warm and reliable instruments back in the 1960's and early 1970's. They made my life so much richer.

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